Swiss Declare War on Australian People and Our Values

Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/10/2016 - 09:34

Racism, Corruption, Witness Tampering

Swiss prosecutor:



Imagine the public prosecutor orders you to testify as a witness, under threat of going to jail, then assists the person she compelled you to testify against, to legally counter sue and report you to child protection? The accused was none other than Michael Aymon, a lawyer with two previous convictions for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and then trying to run away from the police; and a criminal record for assaulting a police officer.

Must be some tinpot dictatorship in Africa right?

No it is NAZI bloody Switzerland and the District Attorney in question is none other than Marie-Line Voirol Revaz.

Cowardly Swiss use police state laws to cruelly tear foreign families apart, arbitrarily applying the law like sadistic racist NAZIS.

A bit of background: the assault we were witness to occurred on 27 December 2014. A depressed friend hung himself in my house and I was charged with murder in some bizarre Amanda Knox style sex-game gone wrong. Click here to read about that.

Swiss prosecutor Frederic Gisler (Doctor of Laws, Fribourg University) declared my innocence in May 2015, apologised verbally to my lawyer Philippe Loretan but continued to pursue me.

He held my house until end of June 2015.

He held my clothing until end of August 2015.

A child protection investigation was opened against us in August 2015, based on evidence from Michael Aymon, the man my partner was subpoenaed to be a witness against in a criminal assault and robbery case.

After my murder charges, the police suddenly flipped the whole case around and supported this Michael Aymon. They accused my partner of lying, and applied pressure on her to recant in order to discredit her as a witness and throw me back in prison. My partner was my alibi in the murder case which they had kept open and at this time the prosecution refused to say if they had the suicide note which I entered into evidence​. During my interrogation, Inspector Fabien Fontannaz attempted to delete the suicide note from my mobile telephone (it was sent via SMS) right in front of me.

Then the public prosecutor did something incredible. After months of investigation, she approached the 65 year old victim, who was hospitalised with a gash to the head from a steel snow shovel requiring stitches, and urged him to drop his complaint!

My partner tried to avoid becoming embroiled in that affair but the public prosecutor compelled her to, against her will. 

The police repeatedly summoned her to the police station, regarding the criminal assault she bore witness to, in order to interrogate her about my case, to try to force her to accept my clothing which they seized (thereby avoiding a paper trail proving they left me naked in the cold at 5 degrees Celsius) and demanded to know my present whereabouts; that was harassment because they told me they were dropping the case in May, but were still interrogating my partner in late August about me, when they should be talking to my lawyer.

I had a lawyer, and he had repeatedly stated the police were to cease and desist from their harassment and all of their questions were to go through him. The police illegally continued to pressure her about my case. Why? Because the police knew they were guilty of torture and sexual humiliation akin to the Abu Ghraib torture scandal which brought Lynndie England to notoriety.

Details of the child protection case were leaked to the accused in the criminal assault case, allowing him to follow the investigation and report us a total of three times. Every time things were looking like they witch hunt against us would be shut down, Michael Aymon wrote another letter saying such things as "Please take their child away while she is still breathing!". Such leaks are a violation of the data protection act and highly illegal, criminal acts. If you report someone to child protection, fair enough. You do not insert yourself into the investigation. Unless of course it's Switzerland, the whole system is corrupt, and the target is a foreigner.

Worse, the public prosecutor denied my partner access to her own file, while granting access to the defendant accused of  aggravated assault.

The public prosecutor also violated the principle of linearity; a legal claim must be fully investigated before any subsequent counter claim.

My partner sued for defamation yet the public prosecutor began processing her opponents counter claim first.This is straight up corruption and perversion of the course of justice. By a public prosecutor no less!

During this time, we received a summons to appear, backdated one week, on a Saturday : the result being we were summoned to appear first thing on a Monday with no possibility of contacting our lawyer, let alone bring him. The period within which to move the appointment had expired prior to delivery due to the fact the summons was back dated one week.

When we contacted our lawyer he shouted "It's an ambush! Don't go! A summons must be sent by registered letter, and as I am your attorney, it should have been sent to me! They have no authority to act this way!"

The Swiss police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers in the Canton of Valais are evil, cruel, corrupt, racist criminals.

Read about the judge who heads up the Child Protection Agency, Judge Gregory Martinetti -- he's a former Olympic wrestler. Are you kidding me?

The only way to describe a state bringing their full force down upon an innocent person, an innocent foreign family, one whom they have already admitted was falsely accused and indeed innocent is : A declaration of war.

Let us, the Australian people, who believe in a "Fair Go", declare a war upon Swiss institutions and civilian population.

I urge you to treat the Swiss in our country with the utter indifference to their dignity and well being as they treat Australians in theirs.

Boxing Kangaroo

Switzerland is a neutral country with a negligible air force: when a hijacked plane approached Geneva airport, the Swiss had to call in NATO jets from France and Italy because their military are only on duty from 9am to 5pm. Google it, it's true.

If they decide to torture Australian nationals, frame them for murder and try to steal their children, using state aparatus, they could really upset someone eventually. Because to me, that sounds a lot like state sponsored terrorism.
I feel terrorized by the government of the Swiss canton of Valais.
What if civilised countries around the world start treating Swiss nationals the same way?
Because if I were Swiss, I'd want to know the answer, while my government was belligerently posturing about their superiority and terrorising foreign nationals.

How about a little civil disobedience towards Swiss nationals. We don't need to resort to their fascist tactics, just block them on AirBnB for a start. Disrupt their business in your country. Wreck their holiday travel plans with bad faith.

Keep it legal, but let them know if they torture innocent Aussies, don't expect a warm welcome in Australia.

I abhor violence, however, if you attempt to hurt my children, unprovoked, I will not be concerned by how many of your children are harmed as collateral damage while I am defending my family.
If you manage to hurt, kill or kidnap my child -- you don't want to know my response.
What is the matter with people?
Why did the Swiss try to take our little girl away?
What's wrong with you savages?
Don't you see, I will die defending my children.
Any man who wouldn't is not really a man.